Saturday, March 9, 2013

Album Review: Mark Eitzel - Glory

One of the side benefits of catching Mark Eitzel on his current tour is that he's selling a 12 track CD of new songs, Glory. This album is light years away from his live performances, and light years away from his 'classic' American Music Club material. Sonically, it resembles his Klamath album from 2009 with several numbers using mainly electronic instrumentation and Eitzels breathy vocals over the top.

It's not all low key. I Hope We Can has a strong melody and could have fitted in on last year's Don't Be A Stranger. Another standout, for different reasons is the very electronic It's Alright which could have sat on The Invisible Man. But most of it is sparse, late night electronica, epitomised by opening tracks The Road and I Missed You. Numbers succeeds reasonably well as an electronic instrumental in its own right.  However, few memorable songs make this one mainly for the fans. If you missed him on tour it's available from